Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Grafenau 2013 at my Stage: The market.
Copyright Horst Gottschall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK2AbbjGWeA

Dienstag, 16. April 2013


Stormy wind, take my song up high,
to all the gods upon the sky.

To tree of life and soul of all,
and greet them with that sounds at all.

For seeing life in all the things,
so as to death, of the scythe springs.

To play the music for that and more,
With love, selflessness and lore.

To live in harmony with all,
in material, spirit and soul at all.

To have a life in no extreme.
combining the worlds in life supreme.

To wake the song in all,
and feel the energy fall.

And at the end, to be unite,
with life, that shines so brite.

Copyright WizRaban

Montag, 15. April 2013

Easy way how to make folkstep

Listening dubstep, or some bands that make such music, you want. Listening how the songs are build and how the bridges are made. How is the arc of suspence? You must have a red wire, but it's not stable, you can change it to other parts. Then you need special sounds to make bridges, but you can also record your sound by yourself. You need also sounds to gain your track, drumsounds for example. I record first my instrument track to a selfmade simple rythm. Then, I put another rythm in the song, a typical dubstep-rythm or selfmade rythm. And I change the rythms from typical drums to dubstep bass. The songs are not much longer than 3 minutes. You can also put lyrics in the songs, or spoken word. Have fun at making songs. Hear it so offen and play with the sounds, till you like the song and can hear  it with repeat.

Ode to Soul

Ode to Soul by WizRaban on SoundCloud

Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Trance Arabesc

Simply played Hurdy Gurdy to a Rythm with the Drummachine.
See it at the right side, down below at "WizRaban's Songs at Soundcloud".

Einfach Drehleier zu einem Rythmus gespielt, den ich mit der Drummachine eingespielt hab.
Zu sehen, in der rechten Seite, unten in "WizRaban's Songs at Soundcloud".

Step the Folk, Dudes. :-)


Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

Zauberspruch, Spell

Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
die da träumen fort und fort,
und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
triffst du nur das Zauberwort.

Sleeps a Song in all the things,
who where dreaming on and on.
And the world move on to sing,
if you only score the spell.

From Eichendorff

Montag, 8. April 2013


Hey there,
thanx for over 5300 Views at Fandalism. Under that link:

Samstag, 6. April 2013

Douce Dame

ein neuer traditioneller Song namens "Douce Dame", mit elektronischen Spielereien. Eingespielt mit dem Dudelsack.

a new traditional song named "Douce Dame", wich a little bit of Folkstep. Played with bagpipe.

DouceDame by WizRaban on SoundCloud

Donnerstag, 4. April 2013


Hello there,

thanx for 3434 Views at my account on Fandalism.


Step the folk, Dudes. :-)